Guest Post – Suliman Sattar, Bright Initiative Intern

For the last 8 weeks, I have taken on the role of Brand Voice & Marketing Operations Intern for the Bright Initiative. I have been able to get a unique insight into the data industry and how it can be used as a force for good. My internship is one of the many ways Bright Data is giving back to the world and expands on their developing relationship with my university, King’s College.

About Me

My name is Suliman Sattar, and I am currently heading into the second year of my four-year MSci Computer Science degree at King’s College London. This was my first summer internship and my first look into the data industry.

The Application Process

The process began with a written application detailing why I would like to work for Bright Data and why in marketing, as well as describing my skills in communication and working with multiple stakeholders. The next step of the process was an interview, allowing me to expand on my skills and experiences, and giving me an opportunity to learn more about the company itself.

Inheriting The DNA

The Internship began with an induction, detailing the role, and having an opportunity to meet the CEO, Or Lenchner, who imparted great advice and highlighted that the work that I would be doing would have the opportunity to help shape and influence the future of the company. For the first few days of the internship, I spent time looking at the company’s unique DNA, getting a feel for how communication should be done, finding out about the products/services offered and their use cases, the Bright Initiative, and most importantly the company culture. The point that stood out the most was not to be afraid to break things – but to move fast and get things done. I agree with that and think that is a great way to work. I also spent time looking at the company’s social media offerings, the latest impact report, and the recent work of the Initiative.

What I Did

  • Blogs/Articles

My very first task was to create an outline for an article about a new partner of the Initiative. To do this I researched the topic, collecting facts and creating the main points of the article. To get more experienced with the style of writing articles, I was next tasked with re-writing two different articles, finding new facts, and updating information to reflect current situations. After learning about how articles should be written and having practice, I got to work creating two new articles looking at two research projects that were facilitated with Bright Data technology through the Initiative.

  • Research

Besides just looking for information for my articles, I was also tasked with researching things such as possible NGOs and organizations that the Bright Initiative could work with focusing on the main pillars – web transparency, education, well-being, and the environment, and social justice. I also researched potential awards the Initiative could apply for, for the amazing Data4Good work that they do. I also looked at similar corporate foundations that could be potentially partnered with for projects and I looked for potential board members to join and researched what they were involved with and their background. I can easily see how all the research I carried out will help shape the next steps of the company and allow me to make a direct impact.

  • Meeting/Events

I was not only able to get a feel for corporate meetings with my manager but I was also invited to a video call with a potential partner of the Bright Initiative, learning how they want to use Bright Data’s technology for their university research project, an invaluable insight into something I may also be able to do in the future with my own research projects. As well as this, I also attended the CEO’s talk at the Data Bites event, learning more about the company and how data is being used by governments.

  • Others

My other tasks included things such as organizing the testimonials and case studies for the sales team, as well as picking out the best quotes, evaluating a potential award for the initiative to apply for and creating a draft application and creating subtitles/transcripts for videos, allowing me to practice my speech recognition and typing skills.


Developing my skills in article and blog writing has been one of the highlights of my time at the Bright Initiative, from planning article outlines, re-writing articles, to even creating articles of my own. I have thoroughly enjoyed researching information and finding statistics to add to my writing.

Being a computer science student, I have been able to get a good understanding of web data, web traffic, and bots, before studying the related module at university this upcoming year. 

Another one of my highlights must be learning about all the positive ways in which public web data can be used to aid many social causes, something which is not regularly publicized, and clearing misconceptions about what data means.

Why join Bright Data

To many, the company culture may seem intimidating with its fast-paced and straight-talking environment. However, this ensures that there is always something happening, and progress is being made. Having a strong company DNA seems to work well to make you feel connected to the company and provides a strong sense of guidance.

Another reason is that Bright Data is an industry leader in the web data industry and with its Initiative, it shows that data can be used in so many great ways and that the company wants to have a positive impact on the world.

Once Bright Data develops a connection with something, they keep developing the relation such as at my university, King’s College London, where over the next few weeks I will be able to attend events run by Bright Data, keeping my connection going.