IronTruth is an initiative that combats disinformation, harmful content, antisemitic, and anti-Israel content online. They created a Telegram bot that receives direct post URLs from users across various social networks and reports them to social media platforms. Their goal is to have an automatic pipeline of reporting hatful content, enable a larger effect of content removal, while also encouraging regulators to take policy actions.

To monitor the reported URLs from the various social media, the IronTruth team utilized Bright Data’s Web Unlocker API so they could overcome blocking challenges while trying to access publicly available posts. It allowed them to focus on receiving a constant flow of indicating whether the reported post was removed or not.

By automating its verification and reporting platform, IronTruth was able to remove hateful content across platforms and share its thorough investigation with EU policymakers to encourage action. They presented a full report to the European Union regarding violations of the Digital Services Act across social platforms while sharing examples of the hateful content collected