The Future of the Internet

We are huge advocates for web transparency and global regulations in the data collection sphere. We have partnered with various organizations in an effort to amplify the conversations about the importance of these topics, and encourage the establishment of formal global regulations.

We believe in the importance of preserving a transparent internet with the many benefits it reaps for all, as well as aiming to advance external policies for reliable and trustworthy data collection practices.

Partnerships and events

Watch the clips below to learn more about the various events we have participated in as well as the partnerships formed in order to drive forward web transparency and global regulations

Trust and Responsibility: Ethics in Automated Data Collection

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In Conversation with John Marshall & Nimrod Kozlovski

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Bright Data CEO Or Lenchner
@ WEDF2021

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WEDF2021 | Ethical Data Collection Panel W/ Bright Data CEO Or Lenchner

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How can we collect data ethically for a better future?

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Ethics and Data Collection | Or Lenchner Fireside Chat w/Jen King of Stanford University

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What our partners are saying

With geo-targeting being a complicated endeavor on its own, the partnership allows us to focus on other aspects of our organization as well as the complexities of creating the profiles that will ultimately help us determine how these algorithms react in real-time — freeing us up to make a real difference in the world.

Claudio Agosti – Founder and Co-Director, Tracking Exposed

Public web data is an invaluable source of information as to the scale and location of infringement on the Internet. We are most grateful that The Bright Initiative’s contribution has enhanced WIPO ALERT, a voluntary program which promotes online safety by helping advertisers avoid misplacement of ads on suspected illicit websites.

Thomas Dillon, Legal Counsellor, WIPO

We have been delighted by The Bright Initiative’s appetite to help establish and sustain a transformation of the public, governmental, and corporate discussion around data — which is essential because this discussion involves every institution of importance — and these institutions themselves ground the integrity of human life.”

John David Marshall, CEO of the WEDF

By using Bright Data’s services, thanks to The Bright Initiative, I can overcome the bad actors’ methods and identify and differentiate the bad sites from the good ones. This obviously also helps the community by letting them know about current cyber threats.

Roman Hussy, Founder of

The Bright Initiative by Bright Data has become an MRS International Affiliate. Huge thanks for your commitment to our ethical code!

Jane Frost – CBE – CEO of Market Research Society (MRS)

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