Cases / Internet Transparency
Internet Transparency

Combating Online Threats

Protecting the web by fighting Malware and botnets using publicly available data

Non-Profit Organization
Human Rights
Social Media

About is a non-profit initiative that fights malware and botnets, making the internet a safer place for millions of users. IT security researchers and law enforcement agencies rely on the data about malicious websites that shares through a platform called URLhaus. The data sets shared through URLhaus are used by open-source tools as well as DNS service providers, including Cloudflare and Quad9, protecting millions of users from cybersecurity threats.

Challenge has encountered many blocking issues and was also looking to automate its testing to save precious time and resources. As part of the Bright Initiative program, is now using Bright Data’s leading technology to access the content of potentially malicious sites in an automated way without getting blocked. So far, has identified and verified over 1 million websites used by bad actors to infect internet users or their devices.

Bad actors on the internet are getting more and more sophisticated, and often manage to pass as legitimate sites when in fact they are not. To fight these bad actors, I’ve relied on Bright Data’s infrastructure so that I can send automated requests to the target websites without getting blocked and verify whether they pose a threat or not. This way, I can share my data on the current cyber threats with the community.

Roman Hussy, Founder, | Impact Report 2021

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Interview with Roman Hussy

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