Cases / Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing

Safe Exploration During Global Crisis

Using real-time data to optimize park visits during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis

Government Office/Public Body
Proxy Network
BC Parks Foundation Bright Data
bc parks bright initiative


The British Columbia Parks Foundation is an arm of the British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. Their mission is to champion the wild beauty of BC’s parks, making sure they are enjoyed and protected. They strive to ensure that these parks are vibrant, healthy and stay a treasured legacy for future generations. To achieve this, they’ve embarked on projects that promote nature, enhance tourism, and above all, protect the well-being of park visitors during the Covid-19 pandemic.


In the face of the ongoing pandemic, maintaining social distancing in BC parks became a paramount concern. With an increasing influx of visitors seeking refuge in nature, the BC Parks Foundation sought a method to provide park-goers with real-time population density data. This would enable visitors to make informed decisions, ensuring both their safety and the protection of the parks. Through the partnership with The Bright Initiative, the BC Parks Foundation were able to use Bright Data’s proxy services to harness Google’s data and offer a real-time glimpse into the crowd sizes at their parks. 


Through utilizing the proxy services, The BC Parks Foundation was able to provide invaluable, up-to-the-minute crowd-size information to park visitors. Weekly averages, alongside real-time data, empowered individuals to choose the best times and locations for their visit, ensuring optimal social distancing. The project has not only elevated the visitor experience but also significantly reduced the potential spread of the pandemic within BC parks. This initiative stood as a testament to how technology can be harnessed to safeguard both nature and its enthusiasts.

Learn more about BC Parks Foundation

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