Cases / Internet Transparency
Internet Transparency

Unmasking Online Antisemitism

Combating online antisemitism across social platforms with public data

Non-Profit Organization
Hate and Discrimination
Social Media
cyberwell antisemitism


CyberWell is a non-profit organization with a mission to democratize the fight against online antisemitism. By launching the first-ever open database of online antisemitism, they serve as the research, monitoring, and alert center that tracks and tackles hate across social media platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and X (formally Twitter). Through their reporting platform, they collect and examine content that violates the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, fostering transparency, and pushing for more substantial enforcement of community guidelines.


With a surge in online antisemitism, CyberWell’s challenge lies in efficiently collecting, analyzing, and reporting instances of hate content across multiple languages and platforms. Collaborating with The Bright Initiative, they utilize Bright Data’s Custom Web Scrapers and Datasets. These tools facilitate the automatic collection and direct delivery of publicly available web data from social media platforms, allowing for real-time alerts and empowering their fight against Jew-hatred.


In 2022 alone, CyberWell vetted and reported over 2,000 instances of antisemitic content, leading to an average removal rate of around 24% across five platforms. The collaboration enables them to trace specific antisemitic narratives and hashtags, providing crucial insights into the amplification of hate content. By harnessing publicly available data, CyberWell has made significant strides in identifying, tracking, and reporting hate content, thus taking a pivotal step in curbing the escalating waves of online hate. Their work, supported by innovative tools, stands as a testament to the positive change that can be driven through technology, collaboration, and a commitment to social justice and the fight against hate and racism.

Since the social media channels themselves are failing to remove this dangerous content effectively, our initiative relies on public web data to identify, track and report hate content that is increasingly amplified by millions when left online. Access to open-source public social media data is key to stopping these escalating waves of hate.

Tal-Or Cohen Montemayor, Founder and Executive Director, CyberWell

Learn more about CyberWell

National Technology News: Non-profit fights online antisemitism with open database

UK Tech News: The social media giants putting profit over people: as offline hate crimes rise, data shows that online regulation is still not a priority

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