Cases / Education Development
Education Development

Steering Public Policy with Data

Monitoring Open Science Trends in France

Government Office/Public Body
The French government's Ministry of Education and Research


The Ministry of Education and Research of the French government, is at the forefront of innovation within the Open Science sphere.  It has embarked on an ambitious project to elevate decision-making tools within the Ministry and created The French Open Science Monitor, which is a tool to measure the evolution of open science in France. Rather than using proprietary sources, it adopts an open approach consistent with the vision of data sharing, open services and promoting French scholarly diversity. It measures the progress of open science in France through indicators of the openness and availability of research publications, clinical trials, observational studies, doctoral theses, research data and research software.

The complexity of gathering vast and diverse research publications from around the world, along with detailed metadata on researchers and their affiliations, posed a significant challenge. The information needed to be not only comprehensive but also up-to-date to aid in strategic decision-making. Through the partnership with The Bright Initiative, the team of the Open Science Monitor uses Bright Data’s Web Unlocker,  which allows it access to scientific documents and accurate data about researchers from various global sources.

This partnership has helped to transform the decision-making process for monitoring public policy on open science.  This initiative has carved a path for data-driven and informed decisions that resonate with the global advancements in education and research. The collaboration not only underlines the value of technology in policy-making but also sets a precedent for governmental innovation, driving positive change and utilizing public data for the greater good.

Learn more about the French Open Science Monitor

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