Cases / Environment and Sustainability
Environment and Sustainability

Decoding Environmental Risks

Analyzing public sentiment on environmental hazards using cutting-edge web scraping tools

Non-Profit Organization
Web Scraper IDE
The-Global-Centre-for-Risk-and-Innovation GCRI


The Global Centre for Risk and Innovation (GCRI) is a non-profit organization that aims to reduce global risks through public participation in research, policy, and development programs, with a focus on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues. Through their expansive network and a blend of digital and local communities, GCRI facilitates various activities such as content broadcasting, event organization and crowdfunding projects. 

  • Utilizing Bright Data’s advanced SERP API and Social Media Web Scrapers for real-time environmental risk sentiments.
  • Analyzing social media discourse to unveil the underlying cognitive processes shaping public opinion on environmental threats.


One of GCRI’s pivotal projects revolves around understanding the public’s sentiments around environmental risks. This required the researchers to explore discussions on social media platforms, however, manually collecting and analyzing such vast data would be nearly impossible. To solve this challenge, they enlisted the help of The Bright Initiative and were given access to Bright Data’s state-of-the-art Search Engine Results Page (SERP API) and Social Media Web Scrapers. These tools allowed them to seamlessly gather the needed information and monitor how sentiments evolved over time and the reasonings behind them.

Because we operate in a zero-trust environment, web data is vital for us, for stakeholders, and for the people. Consequently, we must provide evidence beforehand and make as much public information available as possible. And that’s where The Bright initiative is our best friend – it gives us the technology to delve into, for example, social media discussions, bringing epistemic knowledge to our work. There’s so much more to it than just statistics.

Saeed Valadbaygi, Executive Director at GCRI


Through their analysis, the team successfully identified patterns in public sentiment related to environmental risks. The data gathered provided invaluable insights into how discussions and deliberations on such topics evolve on digital platforms. This enabled GCRI to pinpoint areas of concern, guiding them in devising strategies to bolster public understanding and proactive participation in environmental risk mitigation. The convergence of technology and social science, in this case, has set the stage for more comprehensive and effective policy making in the future.

Learn more about The GCRI

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