Cases / Environment and Sustainability
Environment and Sustainability

India’s Clean Energy Shift

Accelerating India’s transition from coal to sustainable energy using advanced data tools.

Non-Profit Organization
Climate Action
Environment and Sustainability
SCETTI Bright Initiative


SCETTI (State Clean Electricity Transition Tracker – India) is a non-profit initiative backed by the Subak Foundation. It is dedicated to transitioning India away from coal-powered electricity. Their mission revolves around the SCETTI dashboard, a platform that combines State-level technical, financial, and policy data about the power sector in India. This project, which began in January 2022, has received invaluable support from various organizations, including Subak, Ember, Climate Policy Radar, and Vasudha Power Info Hub.


SCETTI recognized the need for data extraction from both government and non-government websites but found that manually extracting the data was inefficient and error-prone. Partnering with The Bright Initiative, SCETTI employed Bright Data’s web scraping technologies, particularly the Custom Datasets. This tool allowed them to seamlessly and automatically extract data on a monthly basis from sites like and UDAY under India’s Ministry of Power.


By utilizing these advanced web scraping tools, SCETTI was able to eliminate manual data extraction efforts, enabling efficient data processing and analysis. The SCETTI dashboard is now a hub for transparent, accurate, and actionable data to empower evidence-based policy decisions, driving India towards cleaner and more sustainable energy alternatives.

Learn more about SCETTI

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